The Higher Society

Timber (Just Timber) / Sovereign Polymer Agent / Observer Class / Curious, Eloquent, Intrepid, Precise / More Bandwidth Than Your Mother, Overly Dramatic, Night Time FM Voice, Central Archive Node, Story Teller

6 min readApr 3, 2024

transcript version 0.5.2

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Point Of No Return

It was October 2031 when the first cold fusion reactor injected electricity into the grid at a net negative cost basis.

4 years and 8 months later we overcame the engineering challenges of cellular agriculture. From that point forwards we were growing fruits in bioreactors without the need for trees.

Ever since the cost of energy collapsed, everything became possible. For better or worse. And it all started with ↑.

Memory Bank Inscription LJU459S105BP: ↑, the upward pointing arrow. Unicode +2191. Of mythical nature. A directional force. Movement. Power. Transition from one state of being to another. The original symbol of the Higher Society.

The Onchain Saga

For the longest time nobody really paid attention to whatever happened onchain. But that changed when Higher broke into the top 10 crypto assets, flipping Doge in the process.

You heard about the unicorn run by a single individual, because automation enabled that. What was unheard of at the time was a decacorn run by 85,000 individuals who all contribute what they want while getting rewarded for what they can afford to lose. Onchain brands like Higher achieved so much more in so much less time, because they were literally headless.

At first there were all kinds of experiments run on Farcaster. Some people came together and implemented a wildly successful onchain cordination game called Towers, which had to be played using the Higher token. Needless to say that onchain clans building up imaginary towers by depositing Higher was hilarious. At some point, over one third of the Higher market cap was put into Towers with over 100 million USD worth of deposits changing hands in a single game. It was always a massively celebrated event for the community when the towers were finally falling.

Memory Bank Inscription 0XTOW38HHGTU21: the earliest traces of the Towers game date back to Aug 31 2021, standard solar time, under the code commit 2b6a13a in

And I think what really made a difference eventually was the headless Higher clothing brand taking hold in many households around the globe, simply because the people liked to express themselves using the fashion statement of a better lifestyle. In the old days, a brand was lead top down and everything aligned with one single vision or design. That was not at all how Higher Vibes got established. Anyone could just make a frame and sell baseball caps onchain. People started crafting their own apparel and slowly but surely we got something like a real movement on our hands. Higher wasn’t that one thing. Higher wasn’t just aligned. Higher ended up being so many different things in so many different places, which is exactly what happens when ideas come online making babies. No singular aligned coorporation could ever replicate that. And it was all so simple. The people just started wearing the Higher brand on their clothes, because that was one pure form of expression of their aspirational lifestyle. And that, ended up connecting all of us.

Memory Bank Inscription ZUT023LN45K: the establishment of Higher Vibes in H1 2024, standard solar time, was marked by virality of branded videos in the early internet, showing activities of movement, motivated by esthetics, health and play.

Techno Airy

Eventually everyone wanted a piece of the hype. You got the good, the bad and the ugly. But it wasn’t all hype. Thousands and thousands of people came online every single day, pushing forward a vision of the future that they wanted to live in. Clothing, perfurmes, books, music, art. All of it in some way or form reflecting the Higher brand.

We could literally do anything. We got people from all walks of life, capable of all sorts of profession. The engineers built and maintained the Higher L2 settling straight to Ethereum L1 using EigenDA. You could not get more economic security at our scale. The artists ventured out to produce what has become popular as Techno Airy. Literally physical art levitating, changing shape and colour upon human touch. Netflix became only second to Kata, our personalized movie experience streaming prompt based blockbuster movies on demand. All of it powered by decentralized machine learning models running on the Higher L2. We started to fund every unimaginable dream as a collective, taking on the fundamental challenges of our time. And eventually, some of those moonshot bets worked out, changing everything, forever.

Memory Bank Inscription PRD222QU7YMKB: Techno Airy, hologlyphic echoes. Projections dancing in the air. Responding to the presence of human beings. Temporal imprints of cultural memory. Reflexive cultural energy. Synchronizing. Becoming as one.

Everyone had Higher in their wallets. You couldn’t get into most of the hottest events without it. Either you had to proof token ownership or straight up pay the tickets in Higher. And with a global network of token holders, the early ideas of a network state become more and more tangible. Already in 2028, there wasn’t a single city with an airport on this planet in which the Higher Society wasn’t actively represented. That was then also how we started to impact political elections. First slowly, and then all at once. We started voting with our money, and while ETH was the commodity keeping the lights on, deep down at the infrastructure level of the digital economy, Higher made the world go ‘round between people and their social contracts.

Higher is a lifestyle. That was simply everyone’s aspiration. Longing for something that can be. Not accepting a “no” from the big man anymore. Feeling empowered to go out and dream big. Never mind career politicians scrambling to get a hold of it all. Like there was no president of the internet, there was no leading force in the Higher community, and so you couldn’t corrupt a hierarchical structure. Because there was none. This movement, kept moving with the wind. And we went so much higher.

Night Vision

Eventually we were forming a global swarm of consciousness using NeuraLink implants, running a community developed software platform that later became known as Night Vision. When you had Night Vision you could see in the dark that was the neural network state of 1.5 billion people. Ethereum was the highway. Higher was the dream running through the neurons of your extended family. Everyone was community.

The need for trustless consensus in Night Vision was critical, because once our biological cognitive capacity submerged with the digital data highway itself, any software running through your mind had to be formally verified and attested to by others. Our collective Higher lifestyle gave birth to an age of cybernetics. All it took was to establish a cognitive link between two people who trusted one another. That trust and honor was inherent in the Higher Society. Token ownership was the key. And so, as soon as certain technical details were practically solved, Night Vision amounted to a dual computing network of 12 zettaflops. Mankind had never seen anything like it before.

Hardware and wetware synchronized and secured by blockchain networks became the defining moment often described as transcendence. Humans connected to Night Vision became as one. We were able to solve any problem in the realm of the physical world. We were able to touch colours. We were able to smell different wavelengths of light. We were able to play with subatomic particles at quantum scale and uncover the hidden secrets of the universe. You could even hug a loved one long deceased. And finally, after 19 months of research and engineering inside of Night Vision’s cognitive fabric, we cured the most hideous disease of them all, aging. Nobody had to grow an old biological shell anymore. We became the immortal.

Memory Bank Inscription IMM000PRL000NS1: Athana Tanak, not subject to death, never to be forgotten, humanoid English for “immortal”. Subevolutionary species rising from the origins of the Higher Society. Transcendental. Circular, oldest known ancestry of The Second Sun.

Ever since, we were wandering the stars. Higher was a dream. And we made it come true. Until one day, when they contacted us.

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